SecurOS® Fighting Detection

An AI-Powered Solution for Identifying and Responding to Human Combat

The SecurOS® Fighting Detection Module is designed to ensure safety and security by accurately identifying hand-to-hand combat scenarios in real-time. Utilizing advanced AI-driven technology, it observes human movements through video frames, triggering alerts only when a predefined confidence threshold is met.

SecurOS® Fighting Detection | fight4 e1730731343699 | ISS · Intelligent Security Systems
SecurOS® Fighting Detection | ipad | ISS · Intelligent Security Systems

Key Features

Data Rich Alerts

Receive comprehensive event tickets when a fight is detected, complete with; date and time of incident; location of the altercation; duration of the fight; direct links to critical video footage; and essential service data for quick response.

AI-Trained Precision

Our module is powered by neural network technology, analyzing human skeletal movements to detect fights. Trained on vast datasets, it ensures high accuracy in diverse settings.

User Configurable Settings

Customization is at your fingertips. Adjust the confidence threshold and fight duration to minimize false positives and enhance efficiency.

Advanced Warning System

Gain an edge with early warnings, allowing security teams to preemptively manage potential threats and ensure a swift, effective response.

An AI-Powered Solution for
 Identifying and Responding
 to Human Combat

Key Applications

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Stadiums & Arenas
Ensure safe, controlled environments at concerts, festivals, and sporting events by quickly identifying and addressing altercations.
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Maintain a safe shopping atmosphere by promptly alerting security personnel about conflicts, reducing incidents and enhancing customer satisfaction.
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Mass Transit
Implement real-time monitoring capabilities to swiftly detect and address violent behavior in transit hubs, ensuring passenger safety and minimizing disruptions.