Woodbridge, New Jersey January 1, 2022 — ISS, a leading provider of intelligent video solutions, announces the appointment of Arturo Arcos Camargo as Regional Director for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Arturo has been part of the regional team for 6 years and was until now Director of Business Development for Mexico.
Thanks to his extensive experience in the market, strategic relationships were developed with new partners and customers, which has resulted in ISS’ participation in some of the most important projects in the region in recent years.
“Arturo’s arrival at the Regional Office is for me a natural step in his career within ISS. Arturo brings with him industry experience and knowledge of the market and channels like few others in Mexico. Since his arrival at ISS, Arturo has been involved in the main projects that have been won, and has been a key player in increasing ISS’s market position in Mexico. I am sure that the Region is in very good hands with Arturo.”

Fernando Hernández Orchard
Managing Director for Latin America and The Caribbean.

Arturo Arcos
Regional Director for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
“Thank you very much for allowing me to belong to the ISS work team, thank you for the opportunity to learn about your technology, to understand your sense of continuous improvement, and above all, to work with your people. Double thanks for the opportunity to lead the team from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, I know that the road has not been easy and that this year is a real challenge, but I am confident that as a work team we have the tools, the experience and ISS technology, which will help us meet the proposed goal, Thank you again.”
About ISS – Intelligent Security Systems
ISS (formerly known as Intelligent Security Systems) is a pioneer and leader in the field of intelligent video solutions – developing and implementing algorithmic software that drives actionable and data-driven results. Headquartered in New Jersey, the firm has 19 offices worldwide and is engaged with a range of the world’s largest public and private sector enterprise projects. The ISS SecurOS® platform is renowned for its inter-operability and ease of integration. Increasingly, ISS software is melded with ISS’s own hardware for unique solutions in the security, transportation and commercial markets – notable innovations include the ISS-UVSS (Under-Vehicle Security Solution) and the SecurOS® SOFFIT (a revolutionary pedestrian safety solution at crosswalks). ISS is one of the fastest growing companies in its field and was recently award the U.S. Commerce Department’s “E-Award” for contributions to American exports abroad.